Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Where Do All The Boogers Go?

A friend of mine posed this question once, and I've been giving it a lot of thought lately.

I'm sure many boogers end up on car floorboards and eventually in the vaccum tank at Spot-Not, and even more probably just sit and accumulate dust/dirt until they can no longer be recognised as boogers (in essence, they become dust/dirt). But do you ever consider what fanciful adventures one of your boogers might have experienced?

Maybe one of them inadvertently hitched a ride on a cat or was eaten by a small bird. Or could it possibly have somehow travelled across the sea while remaining intact, and is now basking on a sidewalk in St. Petersburg? Maybe the DNA in one of your nasal pebbles that you simply discarded without a second thought has been mutated by a rare virus and will eventually evolve into a new species of blobular super-human (this is obviously an extremely rare virus we're talking about here). Then there's another possibility..

Suppose boogers are already a superior organism and our current technology just doesn't have the guff for us to figure this out yet. They are a clever species, much more advanced than humans, with capabilities such as transmogrification and teleportation. They are pateint creatures, just waiting to be rolled up and flicked into the atmosphere, where they lurk unnoticed, perhaps for years. Then, when the sneaky booger is absolutely sure no one is watching, it teleports to another dimension/new galaxy.

It's possible. Honestly, how the hell do you know what really happens to your boogers?!?! You don't know, you couldn't possibly. So don't assume that it's still sitting in that kleenex you threw away yesterday. It could be lounging on a beach in Tahiti drinking mai-tais with a fingernail clipping.


Cassy said...

Is that kind of like the fork running away with the spoon? Boogers and fingernail clippings? I laughed my ass off...I'm still trying to locate it...I hope at least one of my boogers is in Iceland, chillin' w/ Bjorks boogers.

Brady said...

Do you think they're in cahootz with the stuff you find in the corner of your eye in the mornings?

Also, relativity does suggest wrinkles in the space time continum, which could be a boogers easy way outta here. If you ever experience deja vu with a booger you can be sure it has traveled dimensions.

Anonymous said...

It was a very nice idea! Just wanna say thank you for the information you have shared. Just continue writing this kind of post. I will be your loyal reader. Thanks again.alfred angelo.

Ariana said...

I loved this! The question dawned upon me, and I found this post. I love this type of creativity. Saving it as a favorite.